Brilliantside Podcast

Brilliantside Podcast

Are You a Wellness Junkie

February 21, 2017

Self improvement is a GOOD thing, but can you have too much of a good thing? Yes, absolutely yes. This episode is for you if you think you might be a wellness junkie or an addict of personal growth. This is someone who is doing all the things that have been shown to increase happiness, but they just aren't happy. They have an amazing yoga practice, have read all the self help books, and your diet is impeccable.  If you find yourself constantly being drawn to wellness and not getting the results you want, there may be some reasons for that. Like most addictions, you might be using wellness as an avoidance tactic. If that's the case, I can help.  Listen to this episode where I dive deep into what it means to be a wellness junkie (as a former addict myself!) and how to take real actionable steps to improve your life.