Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Latest Episodes

Our annual check-in with Terry Smith
April 16, 2021

Terry Smith talks us through how the tectonic changes in the global economic and business environments impact the constant that is the Fundsmith portfolio.

Why climate change matters for investors
March 26, 2021

We ask how climate change is linked to productivity, what the long-term impact on interest rates and inflation are and how to quantify the financial impact of climate change

Resilient India as the pandemic eases
March 22, 2021

Why has the Indian market actually been one of the more resilient emerging markets despite having seemed to be one of the least well-prepared for it?

America Divides
October 16, 2020

We take a whistle-stop tour of what we expect to happen in the US election, what else could happen, the investment implications and the winners and losers.

US Election: Disputes and Democracies
October 14, 2020

The disputes and democracies of a US election

Macro Opportunities Knock
September 29, 2020

Extent of the knock on macro opportunities?

Sustainable investing
September 23, 2020

Sustainable investing with all its controversies.

Blonde Money
September 14, 2020

Mispriced risks within financial markets

Taking the measures of the global rebound
September 09, 2020

How strong is the global rebound?

The workings of businesses in the US
August 24, 2020

How are US businesses coping?