Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

BF 26: How a soul activation will break you free from the prison of the mind

November 25, 2015

How a soul activation will break you free from the prison of the mind: What does it take to break free from the prison of the mind? A prison that can’t be seen, touched, smelt, tasted or heard! As Bruce Lipton says, “Often it takes a crisis” to jolt a person out of the illusions of life. Catastrophe’s such as failed marriages, diseases, financial disaster or deep unhappiness or depression can be the turning points required for new perspectives & life paths. The good news is you don’t have to wait for a disaster to have a soul awakening.

How can you tell if you are ready for a soul awakening?
If you feel that something is subtly missing in your life or…
If you sense that what you are spending your time on, your money on , your energy on doesn’t fully bring happiness and fulfilment. This can feel like, ‘my life is okay/fine’ however their is a whole new level that is waiting to be unravelled.
If you feel that there is something more that is available but you can’t quite put your finger on it.
Well these are all subtle signs that a soul awakening and a soul/mind/body integration would support you in having clarity, purpose and trust in your life direction.
So how can individuals break free from this prison and start to live a life of sovereignty, freedom and feeling the power within?
Well if you are an entrepreneur, visionary, socialpreneur, difference maker or a messenger that is choosing to create a legacy that reflects your soul purpose & true calling in life then welcoming in a soul activation experience to awaken you through the illusions of life is essential.
Join Michelle Richmond and Nicolas Perrin
As they explore on this Podcast the following:
a) Why is it essential to welcome in a soul awakening at this time of humanity?
b) What is a soul awakening and How can I welcome this into my life?
c) Understanding the soul’s journey of Why am I here? and What am I here to experience and learn?
d) Knowing the difference between your Soul Desires/Intentions/Dreams vs. impulses from the Mind
e) Have a direct experience of how you can start calling forth your soul & having a tangible/real relationship with this eternal aspect of who you truly are.
Gifts from Michelle:
Michelle Richmond is a Creative Development Coach who works with high achievers, who often say that they have lost themselves on the way to success and are experiencing depression, ill health, career or relationship challenges. Michelle works at the soul level with her training programs and African Safari retreats to support people to bridge the gap between living a life that’s full and living a life that’s fulfilling.
Michelle has kindly offered a free gift which is a guided meditation that you can receive by going to the link below:
You can connect with Michelle Richmond by going to:
Gifts from Nicolas:
Nicolas Perrin is an Intuitive Coach and Inspirational Speaker who supports entrepreneurs, difference makers and corporate refugees to access the wisdom of their heart to find their message and true calling in life. Nicolas supports his clients through holding themselves back, playing small, feeling limited, confused and finding it challenging to clearly and powerfully share their message & business calling with the...