Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

BF 22: How to create a movement as a messenger of love

August 17, 2015

Are you a coach, healer, transformational expert, thought leader, visionary leader, change maker, difference maker or truth seeker that has a unique message bubbling within you? You can feel the importance and richness of this message within the depths of your belly and being. You feel a pull in expressing this inspiration to the world. You know you have a valuable part to play within the transformation that is underway at a collective level now.

Perhaps you're servicing humanity in a limited way through 1 on 1 sessions or small groups. There is a calling within that is inviting you to step up and become a movement of change. This calling is felt in your heart and belly. Although you feel the excitement and inspiration of your calling; your current life experience may look something like:


a) I know I’m a change maker and I know I have something important to share but I feel stagnant and unable to gain real traction in my business & mission.
b) I feel excited about starting a new project or I get pulled into other people’s ideas but then find that it looses traction and I burn out or get demotivated.
c) I want to bring real impact into the world but I feel I’m only affecting a few people’s lives and I’m not sure how I can create a powerful & effective movement.
Do you have unconscious concerns?
Underneath what is observed as current reality can be some or all of these unconscious concerns:

a) Who am I to step up and be a change maker?
b) I feel I'm a fraud. If I stepped up I would be seen for what I am
c) I doubt whether I can fully step up? What if I fall and fail?
d) Will I be isolated from those that I know if I step up?
e) My life isn't perfect so how could I be a change maker?

How to create a movement as a messenger of love
All of these concerns are a rites of passage for any change maker on the journey of stepping into your greatness. In the up beat, fun, and inspiring Podcast with a Messenger of Love, Natalie Armstrong and Nicolas Perrin, Change Maker we look at the above concerns & delve into:

1) The 5 foundational principles required to be rock solid before you can step up and create a movement
2) Why is love the true super power and how this creates real traction in your life & business?
3) How to use love as your guiding principle and to keep yourself on track amongst all the distractions and pittfalls that exist when stepping up into your greatness
4) How to connect to your inspiration & allow for inspired action to move through you.
5) Difference between forced action and inspired action and how to tell the difference quickly
6) How to stay on track when stepping up &
7) The importance of strategies so your movement has real traction
8) Key strategies that Natalie and Nicolas use to expand their movements.

Who is Natalie Jayne?
Natalie Jayne is a business coach, speaker and a spiritual teacher supporting entrepreneurs, coaches & leaders to activate their divine leadership and navigate inspired lives, businesses & movements that change our world.

Natalie teaches that love is the new leadership and that loves intelligence is beyond all measure and when we access its wisdom we access our super powers.

Natalie's relationship with love, leadership and love and business began when I set up my own fair and ethical fashion line working in India and Bangladesh with fair trade and ethical communities. Seeing the vast divides in this this industry from slave labour and the broken communities it perpetuated she become passionate about this movement & conscious loving business. Fair trade communities support employees & their families with education, good wages, healthy living conditions,