Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

BF 09: Letting Go of the Pillars of Safety

May 05, 2015

Are you feeling stuck and unfulfilled in your current position and yearning to break free to the passionate, purpose-fuelled life you envision for yourself?

Do you want to be of service and add massive value whilst living an abundant life guided by your highest inspiration?

If you're currently choosing to remain in the stability of the familiar rather than taking the leap of faith into your ideal life, the good news is you may be the only thing in your own way! Catherine Robertson and Nicolas Perrin, will guide you through the 6 necessary factors it takes to step up and into your most exiting and heart-driven life of your personal power. Are you ready to embody your greatness?

If you’re a heart-centred entrepreneur, business owner or corporate refugee in the transition of aligning to your true purpose, THEN this is for you.  Catherine Robertson is on the journey right now with you! With a background as a sales representative for a pharmaceutical company, she is now a transitioning corporate refugee making the move to more and more Reiki and Intuitive Energy healing. Her work as a contributing author in the bestselling book ‘Path to Wellness’ has also helped her realize her passion for inspiring others to begin their own healing journeys.

As another corporate refugee himself, Nicolas Perrin has been on his spiritual journey of self-discovery for the last 10 years. He now supports individuals to discover themselves and their purpose-focused service and encourage them to step outside their comfort zone and transform resistance into an exiting opportunity for growth and adventure.
The key areas this podcast addresses:

I feel like a powerless victim of the random circumstances in my life that seem to happen TO me. How can I gain self-awareness and discover my true power and potential?
I listen to the analytical, fear-based judgments of my mind and find it hard to connect to the guidance of my intuition. How can I receive clearer direction to my life purpose and trust my highest inspiration in order to experience more effortless abundance?
How can I create stronger and more meaningful relationships in my life? Acknowledging that it’s ok to need support from others and I don’t have to always do it all on my own.
It feels safer to stay in the stability of the familiar. How can I easily letting go of what I have now and allow myself to be in the unknown despite my fears?

Featured on this show:
To stay connected with Catherine Robertson and her work go to:

To stay in touch with Nicolas Perrin go to: to secure a free 30 minute alignment session to see if we are a match and you are ready to step into your greatness.

This podcast includes insights and options for you to consider in relation to your own truth and will inspire and motivate clarity on the next steps of your journey.

If you feel you received awesome value then I'd like to ask if you can share this Podcast with your friends or people who could benefit from it or to donate an expression of appreciation in the form of money.

50% of all donations will be offered to a Non for profit organisation called Vipasanna that gives people the opportunity to meditate and free themselves on a donation basis. I personally attended one of their sittings and I feel moved to give back to the wonderful work this organisation is going for the world.
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I'd love to learn from you in the comments below if you are in the process of letting go of the pillars of safety or have managed letting go of your fears to leave your comfort zone?