Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

BF 34: The Quantum Science behind instantly shifting your life into new possibilities

December 31, 2016

The quantum science behind instantly shifting your life into new possibilities 
If you are on the healing, transformational or awakening path then this Podcast has your name all over it. Join Laurie Seymour and Nicolas Perrin who explore the various paradigms of the healing path. This is significant because the paradigm you consciously or unconsciously exist in will have a massive effect on what does or doesn’t happen in your life.
a) Have you been on the healing journey and it has felt that it takes a long time, struggle filled, painful or even involves suffering?
b) Having a sense that despite all the healing sessions, reading all the self help books, workshops that something was just out of reach?
c) Have been looking outside of yourself for the answers to your life
d) Been focusing mainly on what is wrong with your life or what is wrong with the world?
e) Felt frustrated on not knowing how you can find that sweet spot within yourself?
Laurie Seymour started out as a psychotherapist and was heavily entrenched in the healing world until one day she realised that a more effortless opportunity was available to her. She discovered a whole new paradigm that completed changed her life.
a) The difference between the healing paradigm and the wholeness paradigm (electro magnetic frequencies of the heart giving you the opportunity to tap into the infinite possibilities in the universe.)
b) Bypassing the mind and accessing frequencies that can change everything
c) Re-orientating yourself so that you feel a calmness, balance and openess to life.
d) Why focusing on the mental conditioning keeps you stuck AND how to shift perspective so that you are in a more useful space
e) Learn to access the Power within you to align yourself to a reality you prefer
f) Useful attitudes that will exponentially assist you in becoming a master reality shifter
g) Moving your attention to the creative and inspiration process which naturally includes shadow integration.
Whether you are starting out your journey on finding your purpose and true passion OR whether you’ve started building a business that you truly feel moved by; this podcast will support you in illuminating some of the key issues and milestones that all people will face to flow with life with more grace and ease. Feel free to comment below on sharing your experiences and stories too.
I believe that by choosing to make a difference, whether it being at a micro level or at a grandiose scale, everything is affecting everything. Each thought, word and deed is influencing the collective. You can make a difference to the world just through how you interact with the people around you. Tap into some inspiration, divine power and wisdom to support you to move forward with some ease.
Provocative speaker, author and Master Facilitator, Laurie Seymour, M.A., knows that life’s deepest answers shine through when you get quiet and connect with your inner resources. She has spent decades studying and working with energy systems dedicated to inner focus and self-mastery. Her research proved that unlocking your potential was more powerful than believing you needed fixing. So what did she do? She left her career as a psychotherapist to found The Baca Journey,  inspiring and igniting people to claim the resonance of their own wisdom.
Laurie facilitates connected community through her twice-weekly live video Turaya Meditation Online sessions, bringing together people from around the world to receive their inner gifts.