Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

BF 33: Getting to the root all matters – from disillusionment to knowing

December 21, 2016

The truth about life and who you are will assist you to break through the veils of deception of this world
The world of business and life can be extremely stressful although it doesn’t have to be. With Donald Trump being elected in Nov 2016, much of the world reacted in shock, horror and worry about where humanity and the world is heading. Perhaps the shock that was experienced globally can be used in a useful way? Sometimes it takes a real shaking for people to wake up from the ideas of who they think they are and what life is all about.
Have you been feeling peaceful, surrendered and balanced OR have you been feeling overwhelmed, reactive and worried about the future?  In this Podcast we will be sharing and offering how you can pierce through the veil of disillusionment and readjust your life and business in a profound way.
a) Have you been trying to achieve goals, thinking that everything will be better once you’ve achieved them?
b) Has your focus been on achieving something, getting somewhere or becoming someone?
c) Do you avoid creating quiet space for you to just sit and be in your own company?
d) Feel disheartened by the news and feel concerned about humanity and the earth?
We welcome Lisa Schumacher from the United States of America, as our guest for today’s episode, who has gone through an epic journey moving from self hatred and self abuse to profoundly and deeply knowing her natural self.
At a time of profound disillusionment with life and relationships, she met Gangaji who said, “Be your Natural Self.” Upon hearing this, Lisa fell into a deep bow of surrender, having finally been welcomed Home to her own heart just as she is. Several years ago, Gangaji asked Lisa to meet with others and share this alive and true secret that is no longer a secret; it is the Living Truth of your Being.
// Breaking through the disillusionment of “what I believe is possible, who I think I am and what my future is meant to look like”
// The myth of “faking it till you make it”
// Breaking through: Striving, achievement, needing to get somewhere & have stuff
// The death of the ego self and the resurrection of the natural self
// Breaking free from the grip of control to experience true freedom
// Knowing yourself at the deepest of levels
Whether you are starting out your journey on discovering your purpose and true passion OR whether you’ve started building a business that you truly feel moved by; this podcast will support you in illuminating some of the key points that will assist you in guiding yourself down the path of least resistance. Feel free to comment below on sharing your experiences and stories too.
Often the most profound realisations and truths are absolutely simple. Words and language can’t really describe them but only point to them. This podcast with the frequency shared is an offering so that you can have your own experience.
MEET Lisa:

Lisa is driven by the desire for all to have the opportunity to attend Satsang and discover for themselves that it is possible to realize the source of fulfillment, peace, and living love, right now. At a time of profound disillusionment with life and relationships, she met Gangaji who said, “Be your Natural Self.” Upon hearing this, Lisa fell into a deep bow of surrender, having finally been welcomed Home to her own heart just as she is. Several years ago, Gangaji asked Lisa to meet with others and share this alive and true secret that is no longer a secret; it is the Living Truth of your Being.
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