Study Samurai

Study Samurai

Episode 39: Guest interview – Australia’s Favourite Teacher

July 19, 2014

Welcome to episode 39 of BrainTree Podcast - Interview with Australia's Favorite Teacher in 2012 - Mark O'Connor.

In this episode of BrainTree podcast, Prue and Rocky interview Mark O'Connor, a teacher for sixteen years dedicated to the continuous improvement of education. He was awarded “Australia’s Favourite Teacher” in 2012 by the Prime Minister at the time Julia Gillard.

Prue,  Rocky and Mark will discuss how to promote resilience in the students of today and how parents and teachers alike can inspire critical thinking to better prepare students for the real world.

Quotation for the episode:
“It's too big a world to be in competition with everyone; the only person who I have to be better than is myself”—Col. Potter
In this episode of BrainTree Podcast, Prue and Rocky discuss with Mark insights about:

The pressures on students nowadays and how parents and teachers can help them set goals and understand what they want to do in the future.
Why rescuing our students can create problems at school and can take away opportunities to learn resilience.
The ingredient of teaching successfully in this fast-changing time.
How conversations on learning can help improve the over-all performance of students
How parents and teachers can benefit from the new understanding of standards and grading.

News and Updates:

Rocky has been thinking about how to help people reduce and manage anxiety and at the same time help a school called Giant Steps.  This school helps students and families with Autism.

He created a resource based on The Tapping Technique - a simple and powerful tool you can use that provides physical relaxation within minutes.

Check it out HERE it’s only $7 and the entire proceeds of the sale go to Giant Steps

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