Study Samurai

Study Samurai

Episode 35: The key skill our children need the most – attention

May 16, 2014

Welcome to episode 35 of BrainTree Podcast – “The key skill our children need the most - attention”

In the episode of BrainTree Podcast, Rocky and Prue discuss why attention and focus are essential for students and how it affects their study and life. They provide practical methods that definitely help students increase their attention and focus.

Quotation for the episode:
“We learn best with focused attention. As we focus on what we’re learning, the brain maps that information on what we already know making new neural connections”-- Daniel Goleman
In this episode of BrainTree Podcast, Rocky & Prue shares:

The Marshmallow test and what does it prove.
What effects does technology has on students.
Methods to improve attention and focus.
Importance of Meditation & Mindfulness.
Distractions facing students and how to bring their focus back.

News and Updates:

If you want to know more about Rocky and what he has to offer, visit his website
Also,check out his:

 “Accidental Counsellor Training”
 Teacher Wellbeing Training 
 Online Wellbeing Resource 
 Or read useful information on his blog.

Links referred to in episode 35:

Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence

You can subscribe and listen to BrainTree podcast via iTunes.