Brain Samich Podcast

Brain Samich Podcast

#9 The Reign of Apple is Over

January 18, 2017

Our Polar-bear-riding hosts set out on a journey to discuss why the reign of Apple is over and the iPhone isn’t going to get any better. They also discuss overrated brands, movies, music and technology. Lastly… Neil Degrasse Tyson is a blowhole and 3D movies suck!

Discussed In Episode

-Neil Degrasse Tyson is a blowhole
-Interstellar movie accuracy
-Overrated sci-fi films
-Overrated music (country)
-#BrainSamichWord - Palilogy
-Listener Shoutouts
-Apple’s tech reign is over
-Tech innovation slowing
-Overinflated brands
-Dumb tech designs
-Consumer Electronics Show
-3D movies are still dumb