The Braingasm Podcast

The Braingasm Podcast

Gasm of Thrones: 4Chan Hates Canada

May 28, 2014
Gasm of Thrones: 4Chan Hates Canada:

Just because HBO decided that it didn’t feel like putting out a new episode this week doesn’t mean we’re gonna stop podcasting! Their numerous cease and desist requests can’t crush our spirits.

Without a Game of Thrones, Ben and Kurt decided to just turn on the recorder and find out what they wanted to talk about this week. It wasn’t hard, as getting them to stay on topic for a normal episode is a struggle unto itself.

The topics were wide and varied. There was some discussion of Mad Men and Walking Dead, Dark Souls, Internet porn, Ben took a brief journey into the wretched hive of scum and villainy that is 4Chan, we talked about Katherine Heigl. Basically all of the topics that you would imagine would come up.

Stay tuned next week for the big trial by combat episode. We will resume our coverage of the show as soon as there is an episode to cover. Tally Ho!

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