The Braingasm Podcast

The Braingasm Podcast

Episode 141: I'm Tired of Your S***, Master Wayne

May 23, 2014
Episode 141: I'm Tired of Your S***, Master Wayne:

In this our 141st episode of the Braingasm Podcast we need a snorkel, nuff said.

We began as we do every week with Ben and Cesca revealing what they think a “Normal job†is. 

After that we talked about 70s punk rock, and how terrible Sid Vicious was at his job.

After that Ben described his ideal version of the afterlife. Spoiler alert, it involves knowledge including quantities of poop. Then we talked about how facts can be twisted to prove literally anything. 

Then we took a giant 180 and began talking about movies. Cesca (AND MATT!) discussed Godzilla. Ben talked about Neighbours and Amazing Spider-man 2 (WARNING SPOILER ALERT). 

This segued beautifully into a conversation about comics in which Ben poked holes in every superpower he could think of before declaring how fantastic it would be to be Aquaman. 

We are approaching episode 150, and that has made us all kinds of nostalgic. Stay tuned for the episodes leading up to 150 as we will be bringing back relics from Braingasms of old and dusting them off to sell on Antiques Roadshow. If that doesn’t work we’ll sell blood and semen. SIXTY-FIVE DOLLARS!

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