Brain Coach Tips

Brain Coach Tips

Navigating Special Needs Home Schooling

August 31, 2017

Do you sometimes feel alone in your quest to educate your child with special needs?  This week, you will enjoy hearing from a mom that has walked through difficult times with her two boys, each with very different special needs.  She will share how God was faithful to send her help and support along the way.

When your children struggle, the challenges of life seem magnified.  When you can share your concerns with someone that has walked in similar shoes, wisdom flows, and you can relax in the journey knowing that God is there for you.  When you have the knowledge of The NeuroDevelopmental Approach for Life, the thrill of progress for your children will keep you and them moving in a positive direction.  There really are answers to your questions that will assist you in helping your children. The Word says to seek and you will find.  I believe God has salvation for us in every area of our lives.

Michelle will share her journey from despairing mom of a child with pervasive developmental delays to victorious mom of the same child that has gone far beyond all prognosis given by other professionals.  Along with learning how to help her first child, she also learned how to release her second child from a teenager in the bonds of ADD medications to successful adult without meds. Her experiences make Michelle God’s perfect choice to support families on the Little Giant Steps’ programs.   You really don’t have to do it alone.

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