Biblical Brinciples for Business Professionals

Biblical Brinciples for Business Professionals

Meaningful Dialogue, Part 1 - Biblical Principles for Business Professionals

December 20, 2016

Earlier I wrote about the need to engage in meaningful dialogue with others in the marketplace. We reason with others through meaningful dialogue so that we may bring people closer to the truth. I also talked about how important it is to both “walk the walk” and “talk the talk.”
Our job as Christians in the marketplace is to change or reinforce worldviews: change the worldviews of those who do not walk with Christ, or to help reinforce the Christian worldview with those who may need some more encouragement.
A worldview is simply one’s philosophy of life or of the world in general. Most of you who are listening to this podcast already have a Christian worldview. This podcast is dedicated to helping others spread the Christian worldview in the marketplace.
Scripture tells is in 1 Peter 3:15, “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.”
We are to make a defense of the Christian worldview. We need to be ready to answer questions concerning our faith.
One of the issues you may have, though, is that people aren’t asking the questions concerning your faith, but you wish that they would. If they asked questions, you would be glad to answer them.
In order to begin dialoguing with others, you may have to start asking the questions.
But how do you do that? I suggest you take a Socratic approach, which: “is disciplined questioning that can be used to pursue thought in many directions and for many purposes, including: to explore complex ideas, to get to the truth of things, to open up issues and problems, to uncover assumptions, to analyze concepts” (Wikipedia).
Socrates developed this method of teaching between the teacher and the student in order explore beliefs and to lead the student down the right path of thinking. You may even have already used this method of dialogue and reason without even knowing it.
When dialoguing with people, Meet them where they are. As you know, you can lead them, but can’t make them drink. You do this with gentleness, or meekness, as the Apostle said in 1 Peter 3:15.
Gentleness, or Meekness is the expression of power with reserve. Humility and meekness in your dialogue with others will go a long way.
In the upcoming blogs/podcast episodes, we will look at specific questions you can ask others to begin some meaningful dialogue.
Throughout the ages, many people have posed such questions. There are a few questions that every worldview must address when explaining their particular worldviews. Here are a few questions that will be discussed in upcoming podcasts:

* How did we get here?
* Why is the world such a mess?
* Is there a solution?

What do we do about it?
Chuck Colson and others have discussed and even provided material on how to ask and deal with these questions concerning worldview. We also will look at some of the important questions to ask, answering those questions as well as discussing how we can use these questions to engage in meaningful conversation.
Today’s Takeaway: Know that you may have to be the person to start asking the important questions. In doing so, try using the socratic method.
Action Point: Earlier I asked four questions: How did we get here? Why is the world such a mess? Is there a solution? What do we do about it? For now, think about the answers to those questions.