The Boys In The Basement UK Podcast

The Boys In The Basement UK Podcast

Episode 50 - Nifty At Fifty

January 28, 2014

Welcome everyone, to our fiftieth episode! This week, we celebrate a milestone in the world of BITBUK, as we stumble into our 50th show. The boys are joined yet again by up and coming starlet Miss Nicola Dempsey, who is counting down the days till her new life in Chicago begins. She gets to join in with all of the usual intellectual ramblings, as the boys discuss the perils of motorsport, the thrills of pantomines, and the merits of good food. There is even our new 'Record of the Fortnight' award, for our favourite song of the show. As well as all that, Mr North tells us how he saved a life, Mr Swan invents a new refreshment, and Mr Parton consumes more root beer than any man ever should...

Featuring music from Rad Fru, Edith Violet, and Helen And The Sirens.