Beards of the Round Table

Beards of the Round Table

Latest Episodes

Beards of the Round Table #64 – Beardependence Day
August 03, 2015

Special guest Kyle Smithson joins the Beards to celebrate America's independence!  Of course, they don't really talk about America's independence at all.  They did have some burgers and hot dogs earlier that night though.  That counts for something,

Beards of the Round Table #63 – SDCC 2015
July 22, 2015

With all the news that came out of San Diego Comic Con, you knew the Beards were going to have an entire episode dedicated to discussing it.  Here it is!

Beards of the Round Table #62 – This Is Story…& Politics…& Story
July 15, 2015

Devin welcomes his brother Shawn, Stephen, and Shawn's Army-mate Murphy to the second recording of This Is Story.  Fair warning, there's lots of explicit language.  NSFW, for sure.

Beards of the Round Table #61 – E3 2015
July 08, 2015

The Beards get together to discuss all things E3 2015!

Beards of the Round Table #60 – Craft Vapery
July 01, 2015

The Beards try something new, a phone interview!  Devin and Stephen are joined by Panda as they talk to Joshua Krane from Craft Vapery!  This great chat was produced by Jonathan Mertz. - If you want to learn more about Craft Vapery's services,

Beards of the Round Table #59 – Beardy Goodness
June 24, 2015

The whole gang of Beards is here, and they talk about things and stuff.  And whatnot.

Beards of the Round Table #58 – Loving Those Comics (Part 2)
June 17, 2015

The Beards finish their Troyless conversation from last week, primarily about comics.

Beards of the Round Table #57 – Loving Those Comics (Part 1)
June 10, 2015

The Beards get together and talk comics.  Troy's probably glad he missed out.

Beards of the Round Table #56 – Planning to Plan
May 27, 2015

Dill's out again this week, so the rest of the Beards planned to plan out an episode.  Instead, this happened.

Beards of the Round Table #55 – SuperMeh
May 18, 2015

This week, the Beards (minus an absent Dill) are in wait-and-see mode about Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow, Stephen talks too much about Deflategate, and Interstellar was intense.