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Doug Brendel Author Interview with @BookGoodies

January 09, 2014

bookgoodies-sq-logo-200.jpgAuthor Doug Brendel joins BookGoodies podcast host Deborah Carney to talk about books, writing and current projects.

I wrote a memoir called “Why I Quit the Church.” Before this, I was a clergyman, and I wrote a lot of creative biblical teaching books based on my sermon series. Since the memoir, I’ve concentrated on humor books (“Only in Ipswich” and “Only in Ipswich 2013″).

Doug Brendel is an author and minister. He leads “,” a humanitarian ministry in the former Soviet Union, and writes a humor column in the Ipswich Chronicle. His wife, the international documentary art photographer Kristina Brendel, owns Time & Tide Fine Art, and is far more interesting than Doug is. They have 3 children and live in Ipswich, Massachusetts.



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