Marketing The Invisible

Marketing The Invisible

Answer the Call to Love Your Business and Your Life Right Now – In Just 7 Minutes with Nancy Juetten

January 04, 2024

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode:

  • Learn why it’s not all about getting big but more about forming deeper relationships with your clients 
  • Find out what the impact of being crystal clear on your offer has on your clients
  • Understand how being in the right room with like-minded people can help you organically grow your business and yourself



Do you want to know how you can love your business and love your life at the same time without any constraints?

Growing out your business shouldn’t be stressful and lonely. Escape that loneliness and dive into business and life fulfillment by being in a room full of like-minded people that share the same goal and purpose as you! But, growth doesn’t have to stop there. By having a clear mind, and an offer to give to your clients, you’ll be one step away from loving your business and life right now!

Podcast Guesting Success Expert Nancy Juetten loves her business and her life. One without the other isn’t good enough. Today, we talk about how this can be your reality, too.

Get your ears and pen ready as Nancy talks about how you can love your business and life right now through the right network and a better mindset. She also shares her secrets on how you can bring confidence and conviction to the table to turn prospects into long-term clients.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 02:09 - Nancy’s ideal client: My ideal client is a successful, established, lifestyle entrepreneur who wants to link arms with other people who are in similar scenarios.

  • 02:38 - The problem she helps solve: The problem I solve for them is the isolation of loneliness that they feel trying to go it alone. And it's hard to know what's on the jar, with a label on the jar, when you're inside of it.

  • 03:38 - The symptoms of the problem: If you are someone who has been working some complicated funnel, or someone who's been tinkering with Facebook ads, and hoping that cold leads would save the day, maybe it's time to look at organic, natural marketing, referrals and real relationships with like-minded people.

  • 05:39 - Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Nancy: The most important question for everyone to ask themselves is, are you in the right room for what you're trying to do and who you're trying to serve?

  • 08:02 - Nancy’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Be really crystal clear about the next step you want your client to take in your direction. If you give them too many choices, they might make no choice. 

  • 09:17 - Q: What would you tell your younger self if you were starting your business again, right now, right here? A: I would say that I would have believed in myself more boldly. I would have paid attention to the right business model that was right for my sensibilities

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Love your offer enough that you would be willing to invest 10 times the value to get the same benefit for yourself.” -Nancy Juetten