Bold Departure Podcast

Bold Departure Podcast

Black Friday | Frustrating Gun Store | Anti Stupidity

December 05, 2014

This week Mike & John have some news to share before they get into the topics:

Smith & Wesson buying Battenfeld Technologies
FBI Information shows Officers murdered has dropped by 40%
Haledon Police Chief suspended after failing firearm exam
No more delay in California
Jersey City Man gets purchaser permit after 3 years!
NJ Smart gun report, Armamatrix does not qualify.

Black Friday
Three background checks per second on Black Friday, ThinkProgress didn't seem as happy about it as we are. Some hands-wringing going on over there. Which brings us to New Jersey where a manager at Ottomanelli’s Sporting Arms made some comments that were frustrating.  Unfortunately, John was a bad advocate, and didn't explain in his email to the company why these comments were so frustrating.
In other news, anti-gunner hates guns
Anti-gunner calls for disarmament, but won't say it that way.  We're pretty sure this is the same lady that made week arguments during a debate at a high school with Alexander Roubian and Shelly Kennedy.