The Bobby Buck Show (Audio Edition)

The Bobby Buck Show (Audio Edition)

The Bobby Buck Show – Self Will-If You’re Not Slef Motivated Let Others Motivate You

April 17, 2015

A great show talking about (((SELF-WILL))) for all who are dealing with your very own internal issues of feeling down or being your own worse critic. This show should help you get going in the right direction and should also give you at least a little bit of Self-Motivation to gone and step out on that edge, to leap out on faith without any worries, because what's the use of having faith, if you don't use it. People need to understand, faith is not something you say, it's an ACTION, something you DO!!

Our Guest 1."Special Skype Call In" Guest
1. Désirée van Hoek: A Dutch photographer living in Amsterdam 2. Paul Avila: Founder of Paulys Project which is a non profit organization which is reaching out to the skid row community through the empowerment of music. Inspired by his 17yr old blind and autistic son Pauly. 3.Lorraine Morland: As her segment will be on (Self-Will) and the proper wordings that she lives by to Achieving golds in life...
Attitude. Believing & Pulling in what you want. 4. Co-Host Shanna Sterling: "Bully Me NOW!" Workshop & Fashion Show!!! Free to 12 Youth!!! Coming This Summer!!! Our youth are exposed to more and more peer-pressure these days.



