Bluetopsy Progressive Political Podcast

Bluetopsy Progressive Political Podcast

Bluetopsy Political Podcast - Episode 008 - Georgia Constitutional Amendments and On the Campaign Trail with Sarah Riggs Amico

October 30, 2018

Episode 008 of the Bluetopsy Podcast with Daniel Blackman and Eric Cohen. In this edition, join us as we break down the Georgia Constitutional Amendments that are on the ballot, we're also on the road at a North Georgia "We Are Georgia" Democratic campaign rally with Stacey Abrams, Sarah Riggs Amico, Charlie Bailey, Josh McCall, and Carolyn Bourdeaux. We also catch up with our good friend Sarah Riggs Amico from her campaign bus with an update from the campaign trail!

Bluetopsy explores Democratic and progressive politics with an array of perspectives from statewide to nationwide officials to grassroots organizations. We deconstruct the past and look to the future while covering it with a mix of humor, intrigue, and discussion.

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