Blue Streak Science Podcast

Blue Streak Science Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Great Barrier Reef in Peril, and more
May 13, 2016

Announcements Diagonal banded sweetlip. Great barrier reef. Queensland On Monday morning, 9 May we launched the Science Café on the Blab live streaming platform. Three days per week I’m going to cam up on Blab with a cup of coffee and the...

Interview: Sharon Stiteler of the Birdchick Podcast
May 13, 2016

Sharon Stiteler is living the dream. She's getting paid to do what she loves. Birding. She travels the world as a birding field trip guide. She's also a birding consultant, keynote speaker, and a bird bander. She has written several books including...

Destroy alien carp! Spontaneous French accents, and new Earths discovered
May 07, 2016

What The Hell Was That? Chris Cowans, a listener from Sydney, Australia was the first listener to get last week's What The Hell Was That correct. Congratulations, Chris! Blue Streak Science News Australia to destroy alien carp by releasing...

Prions in plants, Cassini's fiery plunge, and super-gonorrhea! Yikes!
May 07, 2016

What The Hell Was That? Nobody was able to guess what this week's sound was! Can you, smarty pants? Blue Streak Science News Prions in Plants? Cassini's fiery plunge into oblivion Why super-gonorrhoea is spreading and may soon be untreatable ...

Minimalist cells, brain shock therapy, and explosive anger!
May 07, 2016

What The Hell Was That? Alexzander Samuelsson, a listener from Toronto got last week's What The Hell right when he answered with (classified: top secret). Blue Streak Science News Minimalist cell whittled down to 473 genes Potential...

Alexa Erdogan of the Synapse Science Podcast
May 07, 2016

Conversation with Alexa Erdogan Alexa’s scientific background includes experience as a molecular and cellular biologist and training as a molecular neuroscientist. During her time as an undergraduate researcher, she worked to contribute to...

Peer Review with Dr. Peter Chahales
January 09, 2016

Talking Peer Review with Dr. Peter Chahales Peter is a newly minted Ph.D. from the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at Stony Brook University. Peter is an enthusiastic and skilled science communicator and loves everything...

Philandering voles, headbanging bees, COP21 and ever so much more!
December 18, 2015

What The Hell Was That? Gabriel Owen of Los Angeles, California answered correctly with "red fox". Shockingly to everyone, including herself, our esteemed host Sophie McManus answered correctly (guessed) as well! She received a smattering of applause...

COP21, Dinosaurs that left quite an impression, Wimpy eagles, and shilling for Coke
December 10, 2015

What The Hell was That? Kaitlyn Thomas of Cape Town, South Africa correctly answered last week's WTHWT challenge with the answer of: bald eagle Blue Streak Science News Round up of the COP21 Summit Hundreds of giant dinosaur footprints found in...

How to have fun and keep up with the latest science - listen to this podcast!
November 30, 2015

What The Hell was That? Cody White correctly answered last week's WTHWT challenge with the answer of: baby alligator Blue Streak Science News African Grey Parrot 'Gene drive' mosquitoes engineered to fight malaria NIH to retire...
