Blue Streak Science Podcast

Blue Streak Science Podcast

Latest Episodes

042: Hurricane Matthew, more water worlds, mind-reading apes and "Says Who?"
October 14, 2016

It has been a tumultuous week in American politics! Wow! But Blue Streak Science stays above the fray as we deliver the latest science to the world in our own special way. We talked about birds in hurricanes and bat-shit crazy conspiracy theorists....

041: It's Nobel Prize Week!
October 07, 2016

No, none of the Blue Streak Science team received that phone call from Sweden. But the week isn't over yet! In the meantime, we had another great episode talking about a new "3-parent" technique that circumvents inherited mitochondrial disease. We...

040: Introducing our new host, Tom Di Liberto!
September 30, 2016

Today we welcome the newest member of the Blue Streak Science team, Tom Di Liberto! Yes, we now have our very own meteorologist and climate guru! Tom joins us with nearly a decade of research experience in climatology, meteorology, and oceanography....

039: Introducing "Science Roundup"!
September 26, 2016

Opening Word We're back! After an extended hiatus the Blue Streak Science Podcast has returned. We still have listener favorites the What The Hell Was That game and False Positive. But we've shelved the Blue Streak Science News and are hitching up the...

038: Science and the Brexit. The UK votes and JD gives his scientifically biased opinion on the matter
June 22, 2016

This week the people of the United Kingdom will be making an enormously important choice. The result of the "Brexit" vote will profoundly affect the lives of Britons for decades.  To leave or not to leave? That is the question. Last week in the...

Homo floresiensis ancestors, turning CO2 into stone, and keeping the mozzies away
June 16, 2016

Opening Word After last weekend's horrible news - another mass murder perpetrated by one man with a legally purchased weapon of war - it makes this website and podcast seem a little silly. We have a wonderful time doing this, but I cannot help but...

Expanding universes, supercharged blood, and where do dogs come from?
June 10, 2016

Opening Word Amy! It's election day here in California, but the Blue Streak Science Podcast isn't going to be stopped by such trivial matters. No, we are going to have our usual fun time of talking about the latest science stories and playing a...

Bad-ass bacteria arrives in U.S., forests making their own rain, and so much more!
June 02, 2016

Blue Streak Science News Cloud-seeding surprise could improve climate predictions The cooling effect of pollution may have been exaggerated. Fossil fuel burning spews sulfuric acid into the air, where it can form airborne particles that seed clouds...

The Cephalopods That Took Over the Earth!
May 26, 2016

What The Hell Was That? Today’s mystery sound, or rather, a “WHO the Hell Was That?” stumped the panel and the audience! However, word has it that Sophie knew it all along. What? You know who it is? Then you should have emailed us with your...

Spiders, mozzies, and microbes!
May 19, 2016

Uh, that's a big spider! Golden Orb Weaver What The Hell Was That? ('s not a spider) Reid Nicewonder, a listener from Blab live video streaming platform was the first to answer correctly last week’s mystery sound....
