Blood, Sweat and Words

Blood, Sweat and Words

Navigating the Digital Revolution BSW001_180904

September 04, 2018

The digital revolution is changing all aspects of our lives. We're in the middle of a seismic change for mankind, unlike any that has come before.  What does that mean for writers?
We write differently, publish differently and even think differently.

"Writing is my passion, my super-power and my nemesis. If you write, you know what I mean. Like a truly wicked lover, my projects inspire and consume me. I can’t not write. It is part of who I am, an essential part.

But the market. Ahh the market today is a beast. While my writing is steadily improving, my sales are not. My stories are sinking in an ocean of new books … and that … hurts ...

You've all seen photos of Earnest Hemingway sitting on a porch with his manual typewriter, tropical sunlight streaming down upon his genius. You've seen pictures of him on his beloved fish boat, Pilar, pulling in a big marlin.

'Ah the life of an author. That's for me,' you might have said. I did at any rate. I think it was the big shish that sold it.

But alas that was yesterday..."
Show Highlights

the pace of the world is kicking up
writers more concerned with quantity than quality
social media distractions and author branding
the digital revolution is the third seismic shift in technology that changed the world
'We've created a Frankenstein we can't control."
the upside of change
looking ahead

"There is nothing permanent except change." (Heraclitus)

"I can't change the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." (Jimmy Dean)

Episode BSW 0001
Hi, from Vancouver Island, Canada.

It’s Tuesday September 4th, 2018 and this is episode one.

Writing is my passion, my super-power and my nemesis. If you write, you know what I mean. Like a truly wicked lover, my projects inspire and consume me. I can’t not write. It is part of who I am, an essential part.

But the market. Ahh the market today is a beast. While my writing is steadily improving, my sales are not. My stories are sinking in an ocean of new books … and that … hurts.

I’ve looked around for answers. They used to say, write another story, but now that’s not enough. Now they say do that, but also advertise. Advertise, advertise, advertise. Everyone is flocking to buy Amazon ads and courses about how to create them. The truth is creating ads is a complicated gig involving hours of strategy and money … I don’t have.

Plus, I’m reluctant to follow the crowd on this one. I’ll talk more about that another day.

Let’s get back to the central problem.

Just a few years ago, the rise of ebooks was exciting for writers like me. Our hopes and dreams grew with the opportunities to get our work out there. And now our hopes are dying.

How did we get to this point and what can we do about it?

That’s the subject of my first full episode.
Navigating the Digital Revolution
The Story of a Virgin at an Orgy and a Really Big Fish
You’ve all seen photos of Earnest Hemingway sitting on a porch with his manual typewriter, tropical sunlight streaming down upon his genius. You’ve seen picture of him on his beloved fish boat, Pilar, pulling in a big marlin.

“Ah, the life of an author. That’s for me,” you might have said. I did at any rate. I think it was the big fish that sold it.

But alas, that was yesterday.

The pace of the world has kicked up. Most of us write on computers and many publish every three months to feed the voracious appetite of algorithms on publishing platforms. We’re trapped in a brutal race of words.