Coffee Break Blogging

Coffee Break Blogging

Planning Out The Content Of Your Webinar (Episode #154)

April 02, 2016

In just about any webinar you will ever do, the guts of it will be a content-rich presentation of some kind. How do you put this together?

In this episode of CBB, we're talking specifically about the content portion of the webinar... that 3-40 minutes of "pure content" that you will deliver to educate your attendee and provide a transformation that they can walk away with whether they buy from you or not.

How do you determine what the topic of your webinar should be?

What should be in the webinar?

How can you build in trust and likability?

How do you make the slides?

How can you help increase the chances that they will stay until the end of your webinar?

These - and more - are all discussed in this episode of Coffee Break.