Zen Dude Fitness: Helping Ambitious People Get Ripped And Stay Consistent

Zen Dude Fitness: Helping Ambitious People Get Ripped And Stay Consistent

Don’t Do These Things If You Want To Be Successful With John Romaniello

February 19, 2016

Today we have my dude John Romaniello from romanfitnesssystems.com on the show to share some of his wisdom on fitness and life. This very wisdom he is sharing today has propelled him to the top of the fitness world where he now rubs shoulders with people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and writes for blogs like Mens Health. Not to mention the guy has created a 7 figure fitness business on his own terms saying whatever he wants with no filter. You guys, John’s a legend, enjoy this episode!
To learn more about John head over to romanfitnesssystems.com.
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Are you in the coaching program yet? If not, what are you waiting for! Hehe seriously though enrolment is now open and you can submit your application if you want to transform your body and your life by going to offer.zendudefitness.com/coaching