Blk + In Grad School

Blk + In Grad School

Ep 128: Full time focus: balancing working full time in grad school

December 08, 2020

Adebukola Ajao (IG @baddisparateyouth) is a graduate student at Northeastern University set to finish her Master’s in Digital Media this month! She was awarded the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fellow which fully funds her studies in exchange for work in her community. It doesn’t stop there though, Adebukola works full time as a program advisor at a local high school, runs her multimedia agency. She's a highly motivated woman wearing many hats, and we've chopped it about her decision to go back to grad school + how she balances everything on her plate. Her #1 strategy for balancing it all follows Toni Morrison’s writing routine.


Adebukola’s interview is the first of a series all about going to grad school full time and working full time. I know so many of you are juggling school, family, work and I absolutely commend you! Idk, how ya’ll do it and I often get questions about how to balance grad school and working full-time so I found a bunch of folks to share their story with us!


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