Blandi Coffee Podcast : Award Winning Coffee Roaster | Contract and Small Batch Roasting | Lifestyle

Blandi Coffee Podcast : Award Winning Coffee Roaster | Contract and Small Batch Roasting | Lifestyle

Blandi Coffee Podcast: Episode 3 How to make a consistent coffee even if your a novice Part 2 – Coffee Grinder

December 10, 2014

Episode 003 | Part 2 Coffee Grinder Guide

That was my lovely daughter, Maha Blandi.  Welcome to the Blandi coffee podcast, all coffee no sugar.  I’m your host Patrizio Blandi; I’m the owner and coffee roaster for Blandi coffee.  This is episode number three on how to make a consistent coffee even if you are novice.  This is part two of a four part series.  In part two, we are going to be talking about the coffee grinder.  Before I get in to the show, I just want to you talk to you about, a few exciting things that happened between episode two and this episode.
I’ve had a five star review which is very exciting, this five star review is by electric brewer, he basically said “Finally, a go to coffee podcast for roasting, brewing and business.”  He wrote in there as well, “I’ve got the roasting bug and have sourced iTunes to find resources to improve my roasting and my brewing coffee.   I’m also looking to start a small roasting business and the more resources the better.  Keep up the good work and looking forward to more episodes, subscribed”. 
Thank you electric brewer for that five star review and a very positive review.  What electric brewer has done if he’s found that this podcast is going to be a place where he can find information that’s going to help him with his business, with the way he makes coffee and if it does help you, like it’s going to help electric brewer, by writing a review on iTunes, it’s going to make this more visible to more people.  Therefore, it’s going to help more people and if it’s helping you when you think this is going to help others review in iTunes, because yes, it does improve my ranking, the main thing here is we want to expose it to more people. 
And the more people can find it, the more get people can help.  If you do find this podcast useful, it’s helping you in some way and you want to help other people review it and it will be found to more people.  The other exciting thing that’s happened is, I’ve been contacted by a listener. This listener, his name is Vito Blandi, I don’t know if I’m related to him, we both have agreed unofficially that we are cousins someway, somehow sort of said, “yeah we are cousins”. 
It was very excited to hear from Vito Blandi, came into contact with the podcast from his sister, alerting him that there’s a Blandi coffee podcast.  So he’s listened to it and he’s emailed me about the podcast.  He lives in New York, so look; I want to give his business a plug.  He’s got a business in New York, it’s Smithtown Appliances, and it’s been there for over forty years.  If you need an appliance go see him first and say, “I’ve heard you on the Blandi Coffee podcast”.  I’ve given Vito a sort of a plug.  He has spent his time contacting me and giving me some information about my podcast.  This is the very least I can do for him.  All that aside now and getting stuck into this episode.
On the last episode, which was episode two, I talked about coffee beans and the importance of having the right coffee bean, if you haven’t listened to episode two, please go back and listen to that because that is the foundation to making consistent coffee every time. 
Now, building the base of having a very good coffee, we’ve got the concrete laid down, now we can build on top of that.  It doesn’t matter what we build on it, we’ve laid a very good foundation, so that’s the importance of having a great fresh premium coffee.  Once we’ve got, that’s something we can forget about.  We don’t have to go back and worry about what the coffee is doing, we know it’s not the coffee because we found it.  We spent the time locating it and looking at the features that we need to have a great consistent coffee.  So once we’ve got that down packed, we don’t need to worry about the coffee anymore.  We need to go to this part to the coffee grinder.  Having a consistent coffee then anythin