Black Law and Legal Lies

Black Law and Legal Lies

Blaxit (Black Flight)

October 06, 2020

Over the last 3.5 years, we've watched the United States become what we can only describe as a failed state. Race relations are rivaling that of the 50s and 60s. The mismanagement of our government, the pandemic, and our judicial system, coupled with the police brutality and murdering of Black people with impunity, has made many of us at least consider leaving this country. 
This week we talk about Blaxit, Black people leaving the US in record numbers. We also discuss tax implications, and where we would go if we left. We're briefly joined by getting the hell out of Dodge expert @PFromCharlotte who is in the process of gaining Italian citizenship.
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IG: @iAmDanOnDrugs
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Twitter: @PfromCharlotte
IG: @PfromCharlotte


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