B&J Podcast

B&J Podcast

Ep. 59 – Piss, Rentboys, Coffee and Blogs

August 31, 2015

This one is a longer episode. I guess we were really gabby, even though I edited a good chunk of this. We talk about:
- Watersports and beyond into diaper fetishes. In the process Brendan went on a big digression about our drought in California, gets extra hostile towards me.
- We talk about the Rentboy.com bust, the Ashley Madison hack and the scumbag puritanical schadenfreude revelers.
- I cut Brendan off in the middle of a thought as his roomie walks in inadvertently. Brendan gets butthurt.
- Coffeeshops and coffee culture of our late adolescence!
- Blogs and whether people keep online journals/diaries anymore.

The episode opens with The Books's "That Right Ain't Shit" and ends with Broken Social Scene's "KC Accidental."

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