BJJ Connected

BJJ Connected

2. Danny Macmillan Gracie Jiu Jitsu way of life

March 02, 2014

Danny Macmillan is a Royce Gracie Jiu Jitsu Black Belt, 4th Dan Black Belt in E.C.S and is the Jiu Jitsu Head Coach at his academy

At his academy they offer a huge variety of different styles and types of training including: Self Defence, MMA, Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, General & Elite fitness, Weaponry and much more!

It was awesome to chat to Danny he really does love to teach and share this wonderful art. While he emphasises self defence, he himself is a very successful competitor in both striking arts and grappling arts. In addition he is head coach to mixed martial arts fighters who do very well at the highest levels in the U.K and abroad.

Its a real pleasure to present to you Danny Macmillan ‘Gracie Jiu

Danny Receiving his black belt from Royce Gracie

Jitsu way of life’


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