Biz vs Dev

Biz vs Dev

Ep 24. Peter Crysdale (StrategyHack)

August 25, 2014

Peter Crysdale founded StrategyHack to close the divide between the startup and marketing communities in NYC. He also runs Startup Grind New York. In this episode Peter shares stories, tactics, and useful resources for entrepreneurs.


The Atlantic: Article about how we could have a better web (no ads!).
Peter was the CEO of The Green Economy
Biz vs Dev on Speaking Plainly
One Medical Group (offices where you get proper, pleasant treatment)
Paul Graham: Maker’s Schedule. Manager’s Schedule
LaunchLM - Paid Internship. Mik’s hiring!
The Scaffold
Joaquin Phoenix starred in Her (not She)
Jared Sinclair (created Unread, an RSS reader) wrote about his App Store sales
Noah Kagan
Early Adopter Network: NYU startup that helps you do QA by recruiting students to test your product. (Via: Hackers of NY)
The Test Tube (monthly NYC meetup on testing UX)
Product Hunt
Duck Duck Go’s Don’t Track Us Campaign
Peter runs the NYC chapter of Startup Grind
Mark Suster: Why You Need to Take 50 Coffee Meetings

Find Peter elsewhere:

twitter: @PCrysdale
Startup Grind NYC

(music: “So Fine” by Shenandoah and the Night)