Biz vs Dev

Biz vs Dev

Ep 22. iPhones have the same problem

August 13, 2014


Ben Thompson’s Stratechery
Blue Bottle - and their venture round.
Bluestone Lane
Blossom vegan restaurant
Blood Libel
Tabata Technique (4 min workout which HIIT is based off)
The Scientific 7 Minute Workout
Startup Weekend, Social Impact
Pop, an app prototyping tool
Jon Stewart parodied CNN’s “good or bad, good or bad?”
Egregious Facebook messenger privacy policy (Disregard odd article date)
Oxford Comma (comic, stalin)
Chicago, “Does anybody really know what time it is?”
Brain Pickings, on “Small is Beautiful” (buddhist economics)

(music: “So Fine” by Shenandoah and the Night)