Bite Size Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Bite Size Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Latest Episodes

Interview with Author KG Heath [Build Your Platform #7]
March 02, 2015

I had a great conversation with author and positivity writer KG Heath. We talked about building your platform, living up to your potential, and of course, shipping. Check out his blog as well as his new weekly horror audiobook as a podcast Footsteps ...

Finding your voice [Build Your Platform #6]
February 26, 2015

Finding your voice is hard. I get it. I'm not sure why that is. You might be passionate about something. You might absolutely love it. The problem're not exactly sure how to convey that in your own voice that is uniquely you.

You need to fail more [Build Your Platform #5]
February 16, 2015

I'm 34 (as of this posting, at any rate). If you grew up in the same kind of school system that I grew up in, then you were taught to fear failure. Getting an F on a test was the worst thing that could possibly happen. In the adult world,

Build your portfolio [Build Your Platform #4]
February 11, 2015

You don't need to be a freelance writer, designer, or otherwise to have a portfolio. Your blog is a portfolio. Your podcast is a portfolio. Hell, your entire website is a portfolio. As part of shipping, you should build your portfolio by adding to it.

Ship, connect, repeat [Build Your Platform #3]
February 10, 2015

You need to do the hard stuff to succeed. But what hard stuff do you need to do? And how do you know what to do and what not to do? I have a framework that can simplify things for you: Ship Connect Repeat

There are no shortcuts [Build Your Platform #2]
February 10, 2015

You know this to be true. I know this to be true. Yet we try doing it anyway. And that is....trying to find shortcuts to success. There are none. There are operational efficiencies that you can achieve through automation.

The reason for this podcast [Build Your Platform #1]
February 10, 2015

You read plenty of online marketing advice. Some of it is useful. Most of it isn't. If you're an early stage entrepreneur or small business owner, and you haven't build your audience yet....believe me, most of it isn't.

#20 – Creating resources to build your email list
October 02, 2014

The Problem I don't have to make up a hypothetical problem. I'm having this problem myself. I am bad at getting email subscribers. I started this new venture in June 2014. So far I have seven total email subscribers.

#19 - Shorter sentences and paragraphs for readability
September 25, 2014

The Problem We've talked about this in previous episodes of the podcast. You have a limited window to catch a website visitor's attention. If they don't like what they see, they're gone. If they're not moved by what they see, they're gone. If they can't

#18 - WordPress theme frameworks and the Genesis Framework
September 18, 2014

The Problem You download a Wordpress theme, and it looks great. However, you want to make some minor modifications to its appearance. Therefore, either you or someone you hire makes a few minor changes to the CSS code. The original developer of this Word