The Birth Ease Podcast

The Birth Ease Podcast

024 Birth As We Knew It 30-40 Years Ago with Meg Folsom

February 12, 2020

What was it like to give birth 25, 30, 40 years ago? Listen in as Meg Folsom and Michelle share with humor, anger, and sorrow about their experiences of giving birth decades earlier. Together they recall the loss of autonomy women endured with forced routine episiotomies, enemas, forcep deliveries, the husband stitch, and the separation of the mother-baby dyad. They reflect on the trauma that these barbaric hospital practices and protocols created for families.

“I’m trying to do the breathing that they teach you. The ‘HE-HE, HO-HO’ and you know that’s a joke. … And then they tell me they're gonna cut me and do an episiotomy. And I am like, “WHAT?” I have my baby. They take him away. My parents had gotten to the hospital, and I didn’t even get to name my own baby. They asked my mother what his name was… Then they wheeled me out and left me in the hallway on a gurney. … So I laid in the hallway by myself not knowing if my son was okay or not.” —Meg Folsom

About Meg Folsom:

Meg has been protecting the sanctity of birth as a doula, midwifery birth assistant, birth center manager, childbirth educator, lactation counselor, and placenta encapsulation specialist for over 20 years. The depth of Meg’s knowledge, insight, and her compassionate heart has touched the lives of hundreds of families in Central Florida. Meg is continuing to serve families at Tree of Life Birth and Gynecology in Orlando, Florida.


Connect with Meg Folsom:

Facebook: Meg Folsom Tree of Life Birth and Gynecology


Connect with Michelle Smith:


Facebook: Birth EaseThe Birth Ease Podcast

Instagram: @ birtheasemichellesmith

YouTube: Birth Ease

Show: Birth Ease

