Bipolar Excellence

Bipolar Excellence

EPI 79: Conversations With Coaches Podcast

July 30, 2023

A couple months back, I had a great interview with Kevin Stafford on the "Conversations with Coaches podcast.

I'd had ample sleep, prior to our talk, which had me in a lively state. And Kevin was pure joy to speak to, right from the start!

He later told me he wished I was his coach and that he was freaking out with the need to do something awesome just from talking with me!

And I shared that I wished he and I were neighbors, so that we could have deep and powerful conversations at will!

Part of why I do all this is so I can cross paths with people like him. They make my life more fulfilling.

Kevin wanted to know what makes me so great. Yet I found that meeting him was one of the greatest things I'd done in awhile!

People are funny.