BioTrust Radio

BioTrust Radio

Latest Episodes

A Deep Dive into Intermittent Fasting (DON’T do THIS) – BioTrust Radio #34
June 20, 2018

What is intermittent fasting? What isn’t it? How does intermittent fasting work its magic? Is it really all that magical?… Read More

9 Life Hacks for a Better Life NOW! – BioTrust Radio #33
June 13, 2018

Want to be a better, healthier, more productive person? Looking to gain more purpose in your life? Want to have… Read More

13 Reasons Why NOT… Life is Precious – BioTrust Radio #32
June 06, 2018

Mental health is pivotal for success in every domain in life. Yet mental health issues continue to get shunned and… Read More

21 Can’t Miss Resources For The Healthiest & Best You — BioTrust Radio #31
May 30, 2018

In this episode of BioTrust Radio, we play a little game of “get to know the hosts.” Of course, we’ll… Read More

Is Keto Dangerous? Jillian Michaels has an opinion (and so do we) – BioTrust Radio #30
May 23, 2018

Endorsed by celebrities, athletes, biohackers — even being tabbed as the Silicon Valley diet — keto is sweeping the globe.… Read More

Ben Greenfield’s Secret Morning Routine – BioTrust Radio #29
May 16, 2018

In this episode of BioTrust Radio, we are so excited to pick the brain of the “world’s greatest biohacker” Ben… Read More

The ABCs of the Keto Diet: Avocados, Bacon, Coconut oil, and beyond! – BioTrust Radio #28
May 11, 2018

The BioTrust Tribe has spoken and the feedback is unanimous: Our listeners want Keto, Keto, and more Keto. That’s why… Read More

This Simple 12-Step Morning Routine will Change your Life – BioTrust Radio #27
May 02, 2018

Do you want to be more productive and more successful? Do you want to be happier, healthier, and more energetic?… Read More

Paleo vs Keto Face Off: Which Diet is Better For You? – BioTrust Radio #26
April 25, 2018

Paleo and Keto may have their differences, but are they really mutually exclusive? Can you do them both? Better question:… Read More

The Bitter Truth About Artificial Sweeteners – BioTrust Radio #25
April 18, 2018

Whether you’re keto, trying to lose weight, improve glycemic control, or simply looking to cut back on sugar, low-calorie artificial… Read More