BioHackHumans: Advancing Human Performance Through Health, Fitness and Nutrition

BioHackHumans: Advancing Human Performance Through Health, Fitness and Nutrition

Carb Cycling and Cutting 3 UFC Weight Classes in 5 Days

June 10, 2018

Jim Goetz
Michael Brandon, DC
Chantea Goetz
This episoide is a very special episode as we discuss not only carb cycling and whether this does or does not improve performance and fat loss and how it may be done but also how UFC fighters can drop three weight classes in just five days.
As some extreme events have occurred in order to bring you this podcast, we do tell you not to every try or think of trying this on your own. It's pretty dumb and may cause health problems or even death. Dr. Michael Brandon was under direct one on one medical supervision for the duration of his experiement. 
Carbohydrate Cycling
The keto diet involves getting the majority of your calories from fat, some protein, and very few (5% or less) from carbohydrates. There are modifications to the full keto diet, including carb cycling and overall increased carbohydrates. However, in reality these modifications are not a real and true ketogenic diet. One will not garner the benefits of a ketogenic diet by having days of high carbohydrate intake. 
Although most people are in it for the weight loss, science shows keto has a ton of other benefits, like lowering inflammation, imroving cognitive function, and keeping siety in check.
While your body is shifting from burning sugar and carbs to burning fat for fuel, you experience a range of symptoms for a few days up to two weeks, called “keto flu.”  While this may be improved by the consumption of exogenous ketones, it should level out. 
Based on the extensive research of Dr. Michael Brandon and Jim Goetz (the biohackers), no reliable peer reviewed evidence exists showing any benefit of a carbohydrate infused ketogenic diet. Once high amounts of carbohydrates are introduced back into the body, one no longer operates on ketones but glucose. One will no longer benefit from a keto diet. 
If takes up to a week to get into full ketosis. By having varying days of carbohydrates throughout the week, the entire idea of a keto diet is pretty worthless.
When it comes to performance, the madsicentist himself noticed a 50 lb decrease in his deadlifts by using carbohydrates for the first time in almost three years. 
Websites and so called experts write many articles that appear well reasearched and "smart" when it comes to carb cycling. However, in reality, there is no real research and everything written and stated on other podcasts are purely subjective. 
If one decides to life a ketogenic lifestyle; it is a commitment to this lifestyle and truly changing ones physiological responses for life.
UFC Weight Cutting
There are times when mixed martial artists are injured before a championship fight. In order to ensure the pay per view buys, the UFC (or other MMA promotion) will have another fighter step in. To step in on a championship fight, the fighter must make weight to qualify to earn a belt. As a result, they may have to drop significant amounts of weight in order to accomplish this.
Dr. Michael Brandon decided to put this to the test and accomplish a 30 lb weight drop in two weeks. In reality, this weight was actuall dropped in just 5 days.
To begin, Dr. Michael Brandon was put through a modified Cross Fit Open 18.2 and 18.2 a baseline workout. He completed the initial workout in 7:52 and did a deadlift (as opposed to the power clean) of 335 lbs.
Two hours after the weight cut (as opposed to the next day as done in the UFC and other MMA promotions such as Bellator), Dr. Michael Brandon did the exact same