Inspired by Bigfoot!

Inspired by Bigfoot!

Inspired By Bigfoot Talk Radio Show 01-15-2013

February 16, 2013
“Inspired by Bigfoot” Episode 44: “Kultus” And The Sasquatch Phenomenon

Bill’s guest is English professor and author Kirk Sigurdson. He shares some unique experiences he has had with the Sasquatch which inspired him to write his novel, Kultus, about the Sasquatch phenomenon. There’s more to this than meets the eye, and Kirk describes some things he’s seen and learned firsthand about the Sasquatch and their “masters” that will likely raise a few eyebrows. A fascinating interview!

Also for your listening pleasure: another episode of “The Bigfoot Stories,” written and produced by Bill Lee. This week’s story is “Migs and Yetis”.