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My Baby Died: Where is my baby? - Biblists Blog

May 19, 2015

This is post 8 of 12 in the series “Audio, eBooks and PodioBooks”

Introduction: The death of a loved one leaves many people in emotional turmoil. Few deaths are as traumatic than that of your child. Not being sure of what happens to your loved ones after death, can make the experience all the more painful. Using Bible scriptures, this book will open your eyes to the hope filled plans God has in store for all who die, not having the opportunity to accept Jesus, and the life giving salvation brought by him alone.
[T]he death of a baby is one of the biggest sorrows for a parent. The heartache from the loss can linger, and for some they can never escape it. Different cultures and religions have [v]aried explanations for where the deceased child may be. Doing a search of major world religions will yield a wide array of beliefs. Beliefs from the baby being safe with Jesus, or already in the fires of hell, to it getting ready to be reincarnated as it’s karma dictates. Even older beliefs may put them into the cosmos as a star or a planetary body. There is no lack of choices out there waiting for your consideration.
A modern evolutionist, or atheist would most likely say the baby is dead and at best their energy will go on to other life forms, similar to any other creature that dies. For they see people at the top of the evolutionary chain, but fundamentally no different than the animals people have progressed beyond. They feel a person’s life has no future beyond death. The atheist’s, or evolutionists answer to a grieving parent would be a short one, not holding any future for the dead child.
Virtually all of mankind has historically had some belief or legend of an after life. The grieving parent may well get bewildered with all of the options to believe in. In the midst of an emotional storm is not the time to be building your boat of faith. Often though, we never put our faith to the test until we are in the midst of the tempest. At times it may seem like our ship of faith will be torn apart by life’s storms. As a rule, it’s not until we need to be sure of what we believe that we start to prove the answers given to us. To find a few reasons why we can rely on the bible and the God it displays to find our life’s answers, see our article Faith Hope Trust.
Believers in a God of some type will give the bereaved parent more solace than that of the atheist, but the level of comfort will vary widely depending on the beliefs of the grieving parent and the religion they have faith in. There are many differing beliefs about the afterlife. Some of the faiths have faded from our view, they have been discarded and left behind as new concepts take their place. Old religions are replaced by more meaningful ones that connect with the followers psyche. A world changing movement began approximately two thousand years ago, it swept aside most all of the ancient religions around the Mediterranean sea. It spread rapidly through the population by personal testimonies and travelling evangelists. Two of the reasons for it’s success was the promise of eternal life and a permanent home in a kingdom in which the believer was an heir to the ruling, God of love.
This new religion that burst onto the world stage was of course Christianity. Today you will find within it a wide range of beliefs and traditions. The beliefs for what happens to a dead baby is no exception. Some will say that babies go directly to heaven when they die. As a rule this “Get out of jail (Hell)” card is reserved for people who have not reached an age of accountability for their decisions. They reason that God would not condemn a person to an eternity in hell if they were not, by way of maturity, responsible for themselves. They would get to bypass the pain and struggle this life offers and go directly to heaven and spend eternity in the loving care of God.