Bear Friend Tea Party

Bear Friend Tea Party

00042 How High are Your Roundhouse Kicks?

March 29, 2016

5 randomly selected topics in 5 minutes
Slang Terms for Egg Nog
Is Neil DeGrasse Tyson a member of the Harlem Globetrotters?
Flowers of Disgust Ethics Panel: Duck Tales “Allowance Day” (1989) wherein Scrooge’s nephews trick him into thinking it’s a day later than it really is, so he will give them their allowance money early, before a certain bicycle sale ends, but the ploy backfires after Scrooge’s vast influence among the finance sector causes a ripple effect in which everyone in town becomes convinced it’s a day later – including the bike store.

Supplement: The Price of the McD.L.T.
Exhibit A. – Freezeframe of McD.L.T. with “$195” price.
Exhibit B. – Le McD.L.T promotional Pin from Quebec?
Exhibit C. – 1986 “Big Mac Index”
Exhibit D. – 1991 “Big Mac Index”