Beyond Spare Change

Beyond Spare Change

Episode 011: A Good Place To Start

April 17, 2015
Interview with Randy

Bullied as a child, Liberty House alumnus Randy preferred to isolate himself rather than risk further hurt or humiliation from others. “That’s how I ended up homeless, living in a bobhouse,” Randy explains in our interview. Now a part-time licensed nursing assistant and handyman, learn how Randy transformed his life in this week’s episode of Beyond Spare Change.

Why Beyond Spare Change?

First, because we believe that stories are the currency of human connection. The sharing of experiences can break down boundaries, forge new paths, and force us to see each other as individuals with complex and varied histories instead of “types†dictated by circumstance.

Second, because anyone who has heard the clink of quarters against pennies, be it in a plastic cup or the bottom of a purse, knows that one has to move beyond spare change to impact chronic homelessness.

Lastly, the show is called Beyond Spare Change out of respect for the work the men and women who have passed through Liberty House have done on themselves and their lives. It’s no mean feat to find work after unemployment and homelessness. It’s no mean feat to struggle with addiction and maintain one’s sobriety. Above all, Beyond Spare Change is dedicated to our hardworking residents.

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