Beyond Reading the Bible

Beyond Reading the Bible

#8: The Psalter

May 17, 2016

The Psalms have a unique place in the Biblical canon and in the worship of Jews and Christians. Psalms are commonly read individually, but what if we read them as part of a book: the Psalter?


These are some recommended books and audio that read the Psalms as a carefully-structured book.

* Free Audio Lectures on the Psalms by James Hely-Hutchinson
* The Flow of the Psalms by O. Palmer Robertson
* The Psalter Reclaimed by Gordon Wenham
* The Psalms: Language for All Seasons of the Soul edited by Schmutzer and Howard
* The Songs of Ascents by David Mitchell

More recommendations can be found here and here.
Outline of the Psalter
This basic outline is derived from the author headings and some decisions of my (Lindsay) own.

* Book One (Ps 1-41)

* Introduction (Ps 1-2)
* David (Ps 3-41)

* Book Two (Ps 42-72)

* Sons of Korah (Ps 42-49)
* Asaph (Ps 50)
* David (Ps 51-72)

* Book Three (Ps 73-89)

* Asaph (Ps 73-83)
* Sons of Korah (Ps 84-89)

* Book Four (Ps 90-106)

* Moses (Ps 90)
* Yhwh Malak/The Lord Reigns (Ps 93-100)
* David (Ps 101-103)

* Book Five (Ps 107-150)

* Hesed (Ps 107-118)

* David (Ps 108-110)

* Torah (Ps 119)
* Zion (Ps 120-137)

* Songs of Ascents (Ps 120-134)

* David (Ps 138-145)
* Hallelujah Conclusion (Ps 146-150)