Beyond Zero Emissions Community

Beyond Zero Emissions Community

A Marshall Plan for the Climate

November 04, 2018

Monday 5th November 2018

Kevin Anderson -  Deputy Director of Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and advisor to British Government
Peter Sainsbury -  Associate Professor of Public Health at Sydney University

Oliver Yates-Former CEO of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation,Executive Director UPC

Last week we heard how the Canadian Parliament was suspended for an emergency debate on Canada's response to the UN IPCC report. Tonight's show explores what our Public Health, Banking and Infrastructure leaders are thinking needs to happen in these desperate times.

Kevin Anderson calls for a Marshall Plan for the climate.

He shows the scale of the transformation we need now.
He says there is a positive narrative about jobs,electrification and retrofitting our built environment. But he urges us not to forget that it is the wealthy 20% who are our highest emitters.
This is our chance to reshape the world economy for survival.
He is talking to Amy Goidman of "Democracy Now!", who worries about populist leaders threatening to renege on their Paris Commitments. He says they are "noise" but that the trendline is world wide decarbonisation and we must redouble our efforts.

Peter Sainsbury responded to the pivotal IPCC report with an angry letter to The Lancet.
It was co-signed by top medical  professionals and Nobel prize winners.
A far cry from the Canadian Emergency debate , he sees our Parliamentary response to the IPCC science as contemptuous.
He talks about measures being taken to prepare for the medical emergencies climate disruptions are bringing.
The public Health sector is on the front foot . The call for no new coal mines, the removal of subsidies to fossil fuels,  a heightened Renewable Energy Target and Emissions Reduction targets under the Paris Agreement.
Climate Change and the health of Nations (Famine, fevers and the fate of populations) is a book by the late Anthony McMichael .
Dr Sainsbury introduces us to the sweep of its historical theme.  Medicine, which developed to such heights in the Holocene, must now help us face the future made harder by the Anthropocene climate.
Oliver Yates knows the scale of change needed.
Although   government ministers earn $450,000 per year,they are influenced by political donations. He calls for the public service to have permanence so they can speak the truth to the government. Policy failure on climate change exposes us all to grave risks.
As the former head of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and a Banker he knows it can be different. He gives us a dizzying list of innovative projects which  will effectively make us an exporter of energy instead of coal and gas. All we need is  progressive leadership.
The loud applause is from the Lighter Footprints event at Hawthorn Arts Centre where this short talk was recorded.
Thanks to Rob Anderson and the Lighter Footprints Group.
Thanks to 'Democracy Now' and to Roger Vize

This show was produced at the studios of 3CR by Vivien Langford