The Better Outcomes Show

The Better Outcomes Show

093: Legal and Contract Trends in Healthcare Technology

June 21, 2023

Legal and Contract Trends in Healthcare Technology

I’ve been working with healthcare technology companies on go-to-market strategy and product development for a while now. However, legal and contract trends in healthcare technology was not something I’ve had much exposure to. Now, while many people may think of healthcare contracting trends boring and mundane, I consider it a great avenue to glean insights and understanding into the industry. Understanding legal and contract trends in healthcare technology helps shed light on the value drivers behind most deals for various healthcare stakeholders.

So, this week, I sit down with Kaitlyn O’Connor from the Nixon Gwilt Law firm to discuss legal and contract trends in healthcare technology. Kaitlyn is a partner at the firm, which specializes in healthcare innovation law, so she’s a great person to talk to about contracting in healthcare technology and innovation.


What we cover in this Episode:


We’re starting to create videos of certain podcast episodes, including this episode, which can find on the YouTube Channel.


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For More:

If you enjoyed this episode: Join Rafael E. Salazar II, MHS, OTR/L (Rafi), principal of Rehab U Practice Solutions and host of The Better Outcomes Show as he explores the possibilities of a new healthcare. Guests range from clinicians trying new techniques and treatments to executives and entrepreneurs exploring new service delivery methods, business models, and organizational structures. You can sign-up to receive new episodes delivered directly to your inbox by filling out the form below.  Learn more about Rehab U Practice Solutions by reading The Manifesto for a New Healthcare, or listen to Episode 000. Or, grab a copy of the book: Better Outcomes: A Guide to Humanizing Healthcare.


Are You Ready to Humanize Healthcare?

If you run an innovative healthcare company and are looking to develop a strategy that leverages best practices, new technology, and marketing/messaging in a way that returns the focus of healthcare to people, please reach out. I’d love to talk with you about how Rehab U Practice Solutions can help help you craft an business development strategy that leverages positioning, market research, UVP stakeholder alignment to drive business development strategy for specific healthcare stakeholders.

Rafael E. Salazar II, MHS, OTR/L (Rafi) is the Principal Owner of Rehab U Practice Solutions and the host of The Better Outcomes Show and the author of Better Outcomes: A Guide to Humanizing Healthcare. His career trajectory includes 10+ years of experience in healthcare management, clinical operations, programmatic development, marketing & business development. He even spent some time as an Assistant Professor in a Graduate Program of Occupational Therapy and has served on numerous boards and regulatory committees. He has worked on projects ranging from patient engagement initiatives to marketing communication campaigns to a multi million dollar project assisting the State of Georgia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities transition individuals out of state institutions to community residences. His work on Telehealth has been discussed in Forbes.

Today, Rafi helps innovative healthcare companies like technology startups, platforms, and SaaS companies develop effective positioning strategy and business development plans through his consulting work. He also leverages his experience as a professor and academic to speak and train on the topics around humanizing the healthcare experience. In addition, Rafi also owns and operates ProActive Rehabilitation & Wellness, a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic treating patients with musculoskeletal pain.

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Work With Me

Medical Professionals RafiIf you are an innovative healthcare company looking to humanize healthcare through direct service delivery, technology, a device, or software, then reach out. We’d love to talk with you about how Rehab U Practice Solutions can help.

What we can help you do:

✅ Clarify your product, service, or organization’s positioning…

✅ Identify what is most valuable and least valuable to your targeted healthcare stakeholder…

✅ Develop a Market Penetration Roadmap to align your company’s value proposition with your targeted healthcare stakeholder to develop a bottom up marketing strategy

We help you not only craft your positioning strategy, we help you identify your highest value offer for your target audience, align that value with your market, and help you develop a business development system that leverages insights from market data & industry-specific resources to enable your business development team to effectively drive business for your organization.

In short, we help your whole organization become focused on the most important thing in healthcare: people – the people who work for your organization, and the people who your organization treats or serves.


Learn More Here!

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