Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 193

September 06, 2023

If you’ve ever put God in a box and decided there’s only so much that He can do, then I’ve got some encouraging words for you. Nothing is too hard for God. Today, I’m going to share three insights from the OT book of Jeremiah that show us why we can expect more from God. So get ready to believe God for the impossible!

I love how Jeremiah 32:17 starts out with the word “Ah.” Like, it’s a relief to say it. “Ah, Sovereign Lord.” I can feel the emotion packed into Jeremiah’s “Ah…” Isn’t it a relief to know that God is sovereign? That’s the first point I want to make. God is Sovereign! He is in charge of everything and everyone. Nothing gets past Him. Maybe you need relief in your life right now. Maybe you’ve gone back to school and are worried about your class schedule being too tough. Or maybe you’re dealing with a difficult relationship and don’t know how to fix things. Or, like me, you’re facing financial pressures that are stressing you out. If you feel ill-equipped to work through the hard issues in your life, I encourage you to linger at the beginning of Jeremiah 32:17. “Ah, Sovereign Lord.” Take a deep breath and let God be God.

My next point is this: God is Creator! He made everything and everyone. He tilted earth precisely on its axis so that it wouldn’t freeze over or burn up. He commands the wind and the waves. He crafted you with a plan and a purpose in mind. God is not only in charge of what’s been set into motion, He’s the one who set it all in motion. Proof that He can do anything!

My third point is this: God is Powerful! He is able to do anything for anyone. “Anyone” means you. God is for you. He loves you so very much. If what you’re facing right now is too hard for you, that doesn’t mean it’s an impossible situation. God does impossible! Whatever is over your head is already beneath His feet. He can handle your situation; all you have to do is hand it over to Him. He knows what needs to be done and He has the power and authority to get it done. We don’t always understand God’s methods, but we can always trust His motives. He works everything for good. So let God out of the box and believe Him for impossible things. He is Sovereign. He is Creator. He is Powerful.

Can you think of someone who might need a reminder that God can do anything. If so, I hope you’ll share this podcast. Most of you listen on your phones and it’s easy peasy to click the link to share this episode. Thank you for doing that for me, and as always, thank you for listening and declaring truth with me. Your tongue has power. Use it for good.

Author of Longing to Belong | Shawna Marie Bryant

This week’s scripture: Jeremiah 32:17