11: Being Venezuelan American with Andrea DeLeon

July 20, 2020

Today I am talking with my friend Andrea DeLeon. Over the course of 6 years, Andrea earned her degree in holistic nutrition, competed in fitness competitions, became a health coach and worked as personal trainer, hoping one of these avenues would be the solution to what seemed like an endless, vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting and binge eating.

However, it wasn’t until Andrea began to do the internal work, focusing on psychology, emotions and self-love that her life truly changed. Once she accepted that she was an emotional eater and was taught various coping strategies and self-soothing tools for dealing with emotions, she finally achieved the freedom she had been seeking. Freedom from food, body, mind, and self.

In addition to earning her body image and self-love coaching certification, Andrea has been working side-by-side with Tony Robbins’ personal trainer, Billy Beck III, which has taught her the science and evidence-based tools behind exercise and the psychology of nutrition.

She now has the privilege of using what she's learned to coach amazing women in her Ditch the Scale Academy, helping them fully transform their lives at a deeper level by letting go of their past stories and beliefs and stepping into their power, letting go of their food and body struggles and unleashing their ultimate feminine potential.

Tune in to hear how Andrea’s moves to the Unites States with her mom, brother and sister was a bit traumatic, how she learned English and what it was like making friends at an early age in multiple cities.

Andrea also shares her favorite Venezuelan dishes as well as her favorite holiday after Christmas.

We also get into the cultural expectations of getting the best grades and having the best career and how Andrea went from Bio Medical Engineering to becoming a Nutritionist. This is such a great story.

Andrea also shares her very personal breast implant story with us today. Why she got them and what happened after a decade of having them and her thoughts on the whole process now.

All this and more on the Venezuelan culture, which Andrea shares is the friendliest on today’s show!

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Show Notes:

Coaching Programs:






