Being Catholic Weekly Podcast

Being Catholic Weekly Podcast

Catholic Education Seminar With Jonathan Doyle

September 22, 2014

Jonathan Doyle MLMEd

Catholic Education Seminar

In the download below from a very recent Catholic education seminar,  I explore some of the big themes in Catholic education with a live audience of over 100 Catholic teachers.

We explore what it means to be an authentic Catholic school and the importance of a deep understanding of vocation and mission.

This is the first in a two-part series and in the second talk I look at distinguishing features of a Catholic school as well as key pastoral issues faced by young men in Catholic schools.

In this special event I had the chance to share my passion on the big issues that shape the experience of so many of our Catholic schools. It is a short and powerful message with a range of simple take-away ideas that can put to use quickly in any school environment.

How Can You Find Out More?

Our staff seminars page is HERE

Our online formation program is HERE

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