Being Carefull: Self Care & The Pursuit of Mindfulness

Being Carefull: Self Care & The Pursuit of Mindfulness

Beat Procrastination and Lower Your Stress

September 29, 2016

Procrastination is something that I have dealt with since I was in high school. I don't even want to know how many minutes I have wasted procrastinating. But I will not procrastinate anymore! (I hope). After doing some research and taking into account my day to day experiences I created this episode to talk about ways we can beat procrastination...

What does MY procrastination (and probably yours) look like:

phone time, aimlessly scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat aka "the social media black hole"
finding something else to do entirely
becoming overwhelmed and writing out an extreme to-do list that is unrealistic
acting as if there will be another time to do it "i'll do it later"
any and every distraction I can think up

Today we talk a little bit about the Science of Procrastination:

I find that looking into the science or the meaning of something helps to understand and make it less scary and a real issue which in turn makes it easier to defeat (this is true with anxiety as well)

And of course, the ways we can beat procrastination! -- promo code PUMPKIN for 15% off

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