Being Carefull: Self Care & The Pursuit of Mindfulness

Being Carefull: Self Care & The Pursuit of Mindfulness

Find The Magic in Today: Morning + Evening Routines, The Law of Attraction + Gratitude

September 08, 2016

"Self-care is not something that is an indulgence or something that should only happen once a month, it's a spiritual opportunity, it's an opportunity to heal yourself from past wounds, and past self- limiting beliefs. Everytime that you're taking time with yourself to do self care you're allowing yourself to have a voice, to dream, to tell yourself that you're just as important as everyone else in your life. Look at self-care differently, its a time for you to be with you, because when you check in with you everything in life just starts flowing and your life gets so much better and everyone in your life gets to benefit." - Jessica Dimas; & today's wonderful guest!